Clone wars roger roger

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The two droids where done for different movies, the Battledroid (just battledroid) was made for the Phantom Menace line, while the super battledroid was made for Attack of the clones line, the battle droid is actually quite poseable, or at least as poseable as a droid that shoots from the hip and gets cut down is, the only thing I changed was adding a lego join to the shoulder so that he could be more posable, it's made from a rubber like plastic and is very lite but can stand on it's own (if he didn't have a bent leg).

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Nevertheless I acquired these guys, not because of their quality or anything but because of nostalgia, I remember pestering my parents to take me to all stores that sold Star Wars anything in an attempt to get one but I never saw them locally, in the end I got them and I was excited for it. Anyway these are two battledroids that I bought some time ago, they are hasbro and I bought them after I had acquired Sideshow's Geonosis battle droids which in my opinion and as a fan of battledroids are excellent and full of really nice details (which I feel are quite delicate).

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Yesterday I arrived, set up my little table for photos, took them and when I went to upload them there was no internet, there still isn't but I'm thankful for the king of burgers provides internet to the people.